John joined the BeMS industry directly from school, back in the early 80’s, after taking a position with Satchwell Control Systems – one of the leading manufacturer’s and installers of HVAC Control systems and devices at the time. As the HVAC market developed and changed into what we now know as the BeMS sector today, John joined a much smaller, yet dynamic, leading Systems House which enabled his transition into occupying the role he currently holds today as MD at BMSI. Under John’s direction, BMSI has grown to become one of the UK’s largest and leading independent BeMS systems specialists. For John, it’s BMSI’s unique understanding of a customer’s requirements, and their commitment to investing in its people, that enables the company to deliver a first class service time and time again.
How did you become involved in the Smart Buildings industry?
I have worked in the BeMs industry since leaving school back in the early 80’s – first for a major manufacturer of the time (Satchwell) and then for a leading Systems Integrator before joining what is now BMSI. I have been fortunate that a number of projects I have worked on over many years have included developing SMART technologies and I have always enjoyed the challenge of making sure technology is applied appropriately to the application it is intended to serve.
What excites you about the Smart Buildings industry?
As hinted above, I am keen that SMART technology is applied relevant to the application it is intended to serve and it provides real value-added purpose. Products and Systems continue to develop and are evermore intelligent, powerful and connectable – developing applications that are SMART in making best use of all of these capabilities is a very exiting area to be in.
Are there any particular technologies that we should be aware of?
There have been a number of developments over recent years in areas of green and renewable energy and in distributed energy production. In parallel, we have seen the development of IoT devices, AI capabilities and Workspace Management Systems. The current drive is ensuring the capabilities of the products and systems that have, and continue to be, developed are harnessed through (potentially cloud-based) secure SMART applications.
What services does your organisation offer?
BMSI provide a full BeMS service from design of suitable solutions through to installation and full life time support via tailored on-going support products. These include remote maintenance, management and energy services blended with on-site engineering tasks. We work with all of the major BeMS product manufacturers advising on SMART applications and opportunities allowing us to offer value-add solutions to our customers – all under-pinned by a first class delivery capability.
What are the benefits of a smart building?
Properly designed, configured and installed, SMART buildings will give ALL relevant parties the choice to make decisions as to how their buildings and internal environments operate. SMART systems can make informed, automatic choices which will only increase with the development of AI applications but the value of regularly reviewing the requirements of the users and occupiers of a building must not be under-stated. A truly SMART solution should add to the experience of using the building making occupiers feel just as connected as the products/systems are; healthy, safe and productive buildings are just as important as energy efficient ones.
Who has been the biggest influence in your career?
There are too many great team-members and managers that I have worked with to list and embarrass – one common theme between them was to insist that I continually invest in training and education; you are never too old to learn.
What is the question you are most often asked in your business life?
Whats next? – as this is the question I regularly ask myself.
What are the best/worst things about your job?
Seeing someone you have personally invested in develop to become a skilled performer is always a high for me; similarly, it hurts when I see people who don’t see through with an opportunity often because they believe they have another short-cut way to success.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in the industry?
To acknowledge the experience and skills of others in the industry, agree a training and development plan that is regularly reviewed and refreshed…. And ensure you are enjoying your time working as you will spend a lot of time doing it! What living person do you admire and why?
I would love to spend some time with Elon Musk to hear where he gets his drive and inspiration from – and to hear what he plans next!
Where would you most like to live?
I am very happy with where I currently live just on the outskirts of South West London – close to work, family and friends.
What is your favourite book?
Any Jack Reacher book.
How do you relax?
Through sport and family activities which are often linked…although it is more table tennis these days than tennis.
What is your desert island disk?
Any early track from The Jam – Paul Weller is a modern day poet!
What is your ideal holiday?
A blend of family and friends on the Algarve – enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and a good few rounds of golf thrown in.