Carlo Gavazzi has launched the DLI-MCG024 DALI-2 Sub Master which when installed with the UWP 4.0 Controller supports the management of a complete DALI-2 network and input devices such as switches, dimmers and ballasts. This comprehensive lighting solution is then easily integrated into the BEMS for intelligent monitoring and control of all building services.
Up to 20 DLI-MCG024’s can be connected to Carlo Gavazzi’s UWP 4.0 (universal web platform), each DALI-2 sub master can control up to 128 DALI-2 items. Lighting control functions are easily performed by the UWP 4.0, including switching, dimming, scenarios, calendars, constant light and white balance.
The UWP 4.0 provides easy integration of the DALI-2 network into BEMS systems via BACnet or Modbus/TCP to manage the whole lighting control system by via its powerful and user-friendly web interface.
The DLI-MCG024 is part of a huge ecosystem of DALI products and is used as part of a Dupline system. Dupline provides free bus wiring topology offering a simpler and more cost-effective wiring solution to traditional parallel wiring and can reduce the number of DDC’s and sub-panels required and increases flexibility for last minute changes and enhancements.