Huawei and eluminocity have signed a memorandum of understanding at HCE (Huawei eco-Connect | Europe), marking the beginning of a cooperation for Smart City solutions. Both companies will cooperate with each other to develop innovative Smart City solutions for customers, and promote the common development of cities’ economic growth and citizen satisfaction.

Huawei will provide AI, Big Data and cloud computing platforms, which will create a city-based decision-making mechanism driven by public data to allocate and regulate a city's public resources in an integrated manner, with the goal of automatic intelligence to achieve the most efficient operation of the city.

eluminocity will focus on electric car charging stations, intelligent street lighting, and other Smart City sensor technologies. Cooperating with Huawei OceanConnect IoT platform FusionInsight Bigdata and Huawei Cloud both could provide an open, highly efficient and collaborative Smart City experience to customers.