Spacewell has launched user-friendly software and technology tools to help organizations address challenges as workers return to the office.

The company’s COVID-19-tailored solutions rely on IWMS software coupled with the IoT to help companies leverage utilization data and dynamically adapt facility processes. They are based on proven, existing solutions and newly added features that are available immediately. Key areas and capabilities include:

Workplace density

Companies have a need to rethink space allocation to meet social distancing requirements (“6 feet office”) and to clearly communicate adjusted seating plans to workplace users. Spacewell software makes it easy to mark workstations as unavailable on digital floor plans, made available to workers through a range of user-friendly touchpoints. Motion and image sensors can track, anonymously and in real-time, when people break social distancing rules and an alert will be emitted. And workplace managers can track and monitor workplace utilization with real-time data, time lapses and user-friendly dashboards. They can also receive alerts and leverage occupancy data for compliance reporting.


Mobile software makes it easy for people to book spaces and resources remotely based on daily availability – using their own smartphone. Privacy-aware contact tracing can be enabled using reservations systems data to keep track of potential exposure.

Real-time employee guidance

Smart software helps people navigate the post-COVID-19 workplace. It shows walking routes and available desks on digital floor plans (kiosk, smartphone) and visualizes crowdedness across multiple floors so that people can avoid busy places.

Indoor climate monitoring

To minimize the risk of airborne contamination, it is recommended to increase fresh air intake and monitor ambient conditions and air quality parameters. Organizations can reassure employees by communicating key information and showing that they are monitoring wellness.

Cleaning and sanitation

More intensive and adapted cleaning will be necessary to mitigate COVID-19 spreading on surfaces. A field-tested mobile app (in a hospital setting among other places) gives cleaning crews clear instructions and safety precautions visualized on floor plans. Clients can update the configuration at any time through a self-service portal.

A number of these solutions can be put in place without the need for sensors. However, by adding simple motion sensors to the platform, clients can monitor occupancy on a continuous basis. Air quality sensors can be added seamlessly to track ambient conditions, and image sensors can provide a real-time view of crowdedness. All these solutions fully respect people’s privacy at work, are scalable and suitable for both small and large organizations.