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Retrofitting buildings and the drive towards net zero
At a recent round table discussion a varied panel discussed how energy efficiency is vital in legacy buildings to achieve net zero goals. Justin Kirby, market engagement specialist and Jim Read, smart building technology consultant, report from the day.
Retrofit reasons to be cheerful
At Smart Buildings Show last month, market engagement specialist Justin Kirby moderated the Why is Retrofit Not Taken More Seriously in the Climate Change Conversation? panel. He’s picked out some key talking points from the session that he thinks are worthy of exploring further to help overcome barriers and drive adoption.
Holistic smart building ROI rethink
The Digital Building Council (DBC) hosted a panel at Smart Buildings Show this year. Their executive officer Justin Kirby moderated the Rethinking Smart Building ROI and the business case(s) panel. It was a full house with lively discussion, so he compiled a summary report and selected some notable quotes from the session.
What’s smarter now in design and deployment for digital buildings?
Market engagement specialist Justin Kirby and smart building specialist Aleksandra Dasala recently co-facilitated a round table with those at the sharp end of design and deployment to discuss upcoming trends and challenges they are facing with the smart enablement of 'digital buildings'. They've reported on the day including how and where participants see value in smaller, focused but more representative agile groups collaborating including effectively filling gaps in existing frameworks.
Industry group launched to enhance best practice and drive demand for digital buildings
The Digital Buildings Council (DBC) is a new not-for-profit group of industry specialists who see a more collaborative and interconnected approach as the means of breaking down silos and providing the necessary clarity and assurance to help fulfil the potential of digital buildings.
Navigating the perfect storm: how strategies for future proofing retrofits need more integrated and joined up thinking
At a recent round table discussion with representatives from leading building accreditation schemes, the panelists discussed the difference between efficient and effective buildings, and how they and the industry more broadly can collaborate around a common cause to help make buildings better.